How To calibrate An All American 225 Can Sealer

Once in a while you may have to make a small adjustment to your All American 225 Can Sealer seaming rollers. This can be for a number of reasons such as being worn out, too tight or simply in the wrong place. In this tutorial, we will explain how calibrate your seaming rollers on the All American 225 Can Sealer.

Gather the required tools

For this tutorial, we are going to be using a crescent wrench and a screw driver to adjust our seaming rollers.

Begin Adjusting

Next, you want to use the crescent wrench of the nut and loosen it off. Once the nut is loose and can be twisted with your fingers, grab the screw driver to adjust the bolt.

Do not over tighten in either direction, this is very important! We recommend only moving the bolt a half turn in either direction. You will be adjusting the roller in or out depending on how tight the roller already is.

Once you have adjusted the roller to your requirements, lock the bolt back in place.

Adjusting the seaming roller with a screwdriver and crescent wrench

Repeat steps on opposite seaming roller

Now that you have adjusted the first roller, move to the other side and complete the same steps.

Adjusting the opposite seaming roller

How to test your calibration

Now that you have completed calibration, it’s time to measure what you’ve done. Every All American 225 that is purchased from Wells Can, comes with gauge to measure your cans to ensure the rollers aren’t too tight. The right side is to test the first seaming roller and the left side to test the second seaming roller.

All American 225 Gauge

For this demonstration, we used a can that has already been sealed so we will just be measuring the second seaming roller.Place it on the lip of the can and slide it around the circumference of the lid. If the gauge slides over the lip of the can then you will know that your seam is tight enough for sealing. If it’s not tight enough, the gauge will not slide over the can. To test both seaming rollers, let the first seaming roller do it’s job and then remove the can and measure the seam.

Measuring the left seaming roller on a sealed tuna can

Thanks for checking out our tutorial on how to calibrate the seaming rollers on an All American 225 Can Sealer.

This article was written by MH.